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5 Benefits of Soy Wax Candles

What are some brands of soy wax candles and their unique benefit? Soy wax has become a popular candle making material in recent years due to its many benefits and eco-friendly properties. Made from hydrogenated soybean oil, this natural wax offers clean burning, vibrant scent throw, and customizable options for candle makers and enthusiasts. Here's a deeper look at five key benefits of soy wax candles. Environmentally Friendly One of the biggest appeals of soy wax is its sustainability. Soybeans are a renewable resource, grown annually across many regions. Soy wax production involves hydrogenating soybean oil, which goes through less intensive processing than paraffin wax. This makes it a more eco-friendly alternative. Soy wax is also biodegradable and non-toxic, making cleanup and disposal gentler on the environment. Its versatility and renewable nature make it a smart choice for eco-conscious candle brands and consumers. Clean Burning Properties When it comes to performa